The Social Science Students’ Association (SOSSA) has never been as united as it is right now. There have been so many initiatives, programmes but not a lot of events and I guess the plan was to leave the best for the last.
Since 2020, we have been planning the Exsilio Conference, The SOSSA Symposium and The SOSSA Dinner and Awards, amazing teams making up some of the best minds in the faculty have been coming together ideating, brainstorming, communicating, connecting, stabbing classes just to make an impact for the events they are putting together.
In 2021, after the socio-economic onslaught of the Pandemic, it only made sense that we merged our efforts and come up with SOSSA Day which is a combination of the 3 events stated above, what do these 3 essentially do:
- Exsilio connects students with Alumni from the faculty that are industry leaders.
- The symposium drives conversations and helps students acquire skills.
- SOSSA awards are to acknowledge well-performing SOSSAITEs encouraging others to pursue the goal of being exceptional.
These 3 events when taken apart do 3 things :
- Connect
- Prepare
- Showcase
We clearly understand the assignment and we have decided to combine forces and give you the most engaging virtual event you will attend this session.
On the 29th of July, we would be connecting you to 10 exceptional alumni from our faculty that are currently serving at state-level government, building brands engaged by some of the biggest celebrities and executives at some of the fastest-growing companies in the country.
We would be preparing you for 3 of the most sought out and easy to learn skills in the industry right now and we would also be awarding some of the best SOSSAITEs for their hard work and exceptional personalities.
We are going to be having SOSSA Day. Although it’s SOSSA day, it will be for 2 days and it will happen virtually. On the first day, we will be having the Exsilio Conference and a couple of awards and on the 2nd day, we would be having the symposium and more awards.
The events this year are going to be loaded with a lot of content that would be super helpful for you.
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I am Ijaola David and I am sending you love from the entire SOSSA day team.
See you on the 29th and 30th of July.