Stories in a Bank

I need you to imagine how it would look to embed stories (social media stories) on a fintech app or a digital bank.
I tried to imagine it and sometime ago it sounded like only a good idea for when bank apps will try to embed a social media feature.
I wasn’t thinking deep enough, well the tweet that serves as a the header image quickly opened my mind to something I haven’t seeb yet.
Transactional history displayed as stories. Just like the ones on social media. Edmund Olotu actually gave golden feedback based on his preferences and it begs the question, how important is it for users of a financial technology application to be positive and interested in their transactional history?
To answer this question I did some self evaluation and found out that regular text messages alert about my transactions did have a toll on me.
What had a toll was seeing the title as either credit or debit. It affected my mood making me happy or sad depending on the type of alert.
One thing I will go on to find out is whether or not this is the same with everybody.
Another important aspect of this feature discovery is the ability to sort financial data, text messages always require scrolling with no defined timeline. Having a way to sort your financial history based on a specific timeline would be very helpful and coupling that with aesthetics that will guide and define the user’s mood can go a long way to ensure user retention of the product.
This feature has the capability to keep your users coming back. I now need to go and get the data to support this.